Julianne Sedan 

_Tourisme de soi-même
_too Far West
_Océan Radioactif
_+ illustration

_Venus Parasite

_Such a Crush
_Orléans je t’aime
_+ graphic design


My practice of applied arts concerns both illustration and graphic design, specialized in typography. The Living is the core of my work.

Paris + Marseille
(+33) 6 84 79 48 00
instagram_ @juliannesedan 
linkedin_ Julianne Sedan 

site font_
Lacrima [Alexander Colby_
Timo Gaessner]

Ruines, 1st page
Ruines, 2024Ruines is an extract from June, a WIP project, engaging Stability [Equilibre] and Memory, through the Utopia.

The nature observes us and we observe it. With our eyes, our smells, our bodies. And, nature ignoring us, and us ignoring it.

These three drawings boards are a piece of the story. The scene was inspired by a run in Ardèche, during a creative residency in the early autumn 2024.

Typeface_Lacrima [Alexander Colby_Timo Gaessner, foundries Gestalten_Milieu Grotesque, 2007]
Ruines, 2nd page
Ruines, 3rd page

Vaudevant, Ardèche